Monday, September 3, 2012

September 2012 Sponsor Spotlight | Healthy Living Blogs

Interested in becoming an advertiser on Please visit the Advertising information page to learn more!? [Psst: we also offer MAJORLY discounted ad-space to our fellow HLB members!? If you want to promote your blog while supporting the HLB community [for as little as $6.25 a month!!] check out this page: Promote Your Blog! ]

A few words about our Current Sponsors:

Sweet-Caroline3Sweet Caroline follows Caroline, a twenty-something health and fitness enthusiast, as she moves back to her hometown of Boston, MA to pursue a career in photography and design. The blog features daily workouts, health living tips, fitness inspiration, and her journey to a happy, balanced lifestyle. Caroline also offers blog design services, including full blog re-designs, as well as, header, social media icon, and button creations.

healthyhobokenlogo5Healthy Hoboken Girl is written by Lynda who is passionate about sharing her healthy lifestyle with others. She is a holistic health coach, recipe tester and home cook who creates amazing recipes using real food.? Her passion for healthy living was sparked while taking care of her parents in her late twenties and early thirties.? She watched them both battle with cancer and heart disease and lost them both by the age of 35.? She is determined to live a happier, healthy life and uses food as her drug of choice.? Follow her on this journey towards health, where she lives life to the fullest, makes exercise fun and always enjoys each and everyday.

ad3Cook With B began in August 2011 as a way to document Brigitt?s adventures in culinary school, and has since evolved into a food and recipe blog with an emphasis on healthy living. At Cook With B you?ll find plenty of delicious recipes, a few stories about the 25-year-old magazine writer?s life in the Big Apple, and occasional book or restaurant reviews. Stop by and say hello!

photo2HappyHealthyConfident , follows Lydia, a 24 year old fitness coach, health and wellness coach, and nutrition enthusiast. The blog features daily recipes, workouts, and the journey Lydia takes to living a Happy, Healthy, and confident lifestyle. Jam packed with health and nutrition tips, printable workout routines and recipes, vivid photos, and the occasional humor pieces. Here you will find addictive, feel-good posts on fitness motivation, good eats, and health inspiration in a new post every day of the week.

OddDuck_Button_Misc1_1 (1)Becoming the Odd Duck is written by aspiring Registered Dietitian Laura Bartee. Laura left her career in corporate finance to pursue her passions with food and healthy living by returning to school to study Nutrition. Becoming the Odd Duck chronicles Laura?s journey to become happier and healthier, while embracing her nerdy science side. Though recipes, exercise, home renovations and weight loss are frequently discussed at Becoming the Odd Duck, being true to yourself and choosing to be happy is the main focus of Laura?s writing.

LetsTalkAndWalk_150x150Let?s Talk and Walk follows Glenneth, a 40+ SEO Project Manager, as she gets healthy through walking, cycling, strength training, and modifying her eating habits. While not a runner, Glenneth loves walking 5Ks in the area and hopes to increase her distance this year. Her blog frequently talks abouthow to start a walking program and finding time to exercise. When not talking about working out or eating, you will catch Glenneth reviewing cosmetics or restaurants, sharing motivation from Pinterest, or discussing her attempts to cook.


Julie Grice began Savvy Eats in September of 2009. Her philosophy in life is ?Smart Food, Smart Fitness & Smart Life,? which she highlights by being a resource for eating locally and seasonally, cycling and appreciating the little things in life. She is a new homeowner, and is excited to branch out into home-related projects and blog posts.

Eleven2 is a web hosting provider comprised of talented designers, developers, musicians, film makers, business owners, writers, photographers, bloggers, and much more. All of us at Eleven2 are a lot like you, making it easier for us to understand and deliver exactly what it is that you need. As Eleven2 continues to grow and expand, it is important for us to hold on to our roots as a company who invests everything into our customers. These characteristics have prompted our current success and isolated us from the rest of our competition. Eleven2 is set at a great pace to change the world of web hosting by treating customers like people, one person at a time.

OurDailyPea3Our Daily Pea follows a family?s journey toward a more natural, organic, eco-friendly and healthy lifestyle. Cortney, a 30-something graphic designer, left her corporate job to become a work at home mom and pursue her passion of natural and organic living. She and her husband went on an organic diet five years ago and have experienced countless health benefits. Once they started having kids, they became even more passionate about organic food and anything they could do to provide the healthiest environment possible to their family. Through Our Daily Pea, their goal is to share realistic tips and experiences with others who are on a mission to live a healthier, greener lifestyle.

BUTTON-150x150Jana Hartley is a Nurse who is married to Doc, her Doctor Of Physical Therapy Husband. Together, at, they share their passion for healthcare, medicine, medical technology, eating healthy food and living healthy lifestyles. Jana Says ?We enjoy a life filled with adventure, healthy cooking, and pursuit of our passions. We try to share all of those things on our blog? She and Doc invites and encourages you to come with your questions and comments, or just for a visit. Please do say hello!

pilatesmakesyouhappylogo5Pilates Makes You Happy, follows Madison a 20-something English teacher by day, Pilates teacher by night. The blog mainly features posts about eating healthy, working out and the balance between the two. However, a lot of the time, there is also musings about life, TV shows, exercise trends, and trying to find good eats while figuring out a dairy allergy. Don?t expect a huge amount of work outs or recipes, just expect the (sometimes) mindless drivel of a girl trying to muddle her way through a healthy lifestyle.

GrowSoulBeautiful150square-ad3Grow Soul Beautiful blends yoga, photography, & soul nourishment to guide everybody to embrace their beautiful inside & out. We believe that no amount of exercise or healthy eating will make you confident and glowing on the inside as the health of the mind+body are intertwined. Daily blog posts mix yoga fundamentals, encourage self-portraits to enhance the yoga practice, and feature a variety of "soul workers" who offer coaching, e-courses, workshops, retreats, book, and more to exercise the soul. Follow the us on Facebook, Pinterest, or twitter @GrowSoulBeauty for inspiration & inner beauty.

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