Friday, May 18, 2012

London 2012 Games: David Beckham to help bring Olympic torch back to Britain

By Jonathan McEvoy


David Beckham has been confirmed as the surprise star who will join London 2012 officials at the Olympic Flame Handover Ceremony in Athens and bring the Olympic torch back to Britain.

London 2012 chairman Lord Coe managed to keep the deal to include Beckham in this symbolic moment secret until the 11th hour.

Line up: Before his Olympic duties, David Beckham took time out to meet US President Barack Obama

One up: Before his Olympic duties, David Beckham took time out to meet US President Barack Obama and mark LA Galaxy's MLS success

The move will pile pressure on Team GB boss Stuart Pearce to pick the 37-year-old LA Galaxy midfielder for the Olympic football squad despite Lord Coe insisting players should be selected on sporting grounds only.

Beckham, who was part of the successful London 2012 bid team in 2005, will be joined by five young people, who have been involved in the London 2012 Get Set Education programme and school linking programmes run by the British Council.

As well as visiting some of the schools in Athens they are linked with, the young people are set to have a starring role in the Handover Ceremony at the Panathenaic Stadium on May 17.

Leading light: Heptathlon athlete Sofia Yfantidou runs with the torch in Greece

Leading light: Heptathlon athlete Sofia Yfantidou carries the torch during the journey through Greece

The official delegation will be led by British Olympic Association President and LOCOG Board Member HRH The Princess Royal, Chair of LOCOG Sebastian Coe, Minister for Sport and the Olympics Hugh Robertson and Mayor of London Boris Johnson.

Lord Coe said: 'We wanted to involve young people from across the UK in bringing home the Olympic Flame.

'Their stories of personal achievement and contribution to sport echo the 8,000 inspiring Torchbearer stories that will be shared from this weekend and over the next ten weeks in the build up to the start of the Games.

'Working with one of our most inspiring sportspeople is also fitting for this hugely exciting time for the London 2012 Games.'

Talented footballer and athlete Sean White, who is representing Wales, said: ?I am really excited about visiting Greece and seeing Athens, the home of the Olympic Games. I am looking forward to the Ceremony and to taking the Flame back to the UK in preparation for the Olympic Games.

'I am really excited about coming home and sharing my experience, both in school, my running club and in the wider community and hope that this will help people to become even more excited and enthusiastic about the Olympic Games.?

Good times: Beckham has enjoyed a scoring start to the MLS season

Good times: Beckham has enjoyed a scoring start to the MLS season

Representing Scotland is rugby player Dennis Coles, age 17 from Doon Academy, Dalmellington, East Ayrshire; representing Northern Ireland is talented hockey player Chloe Brown, age 18 from South Eastern Regional College, Bangor and representing Wales is Swansea Harriers athlete and Mumbles Rangers FC player Sean White, age 17? from Bishop Vaughan Catholic School in Swansea.?

Representing Cornwall where the Olympic Flame arrives and starts its 70 day journey is Falmouth Ladies hockey player Georgia Higgs, age 15 from Helston Community College and School Sports Ambassador and athlete Sakinah Muhammad, age 15 from Clapton Girls? Academy, Hackney represents London where the Olympic Flame will light the cauldron signifying the start of the Olympic Games on the evening of 27 July 2012.

Paul Docherty, Director UK 2012 at the British Council, said: ?The British Council is delighted to be part of this historic occasion, enabling young people from across the UK to participate in the Handover ceremony and to meet Greek youngsters from their partner schools.

'The London 2012 Games offer a great opportunity for people in the UK and around the world to develop a better understanding of each other and build lasting relationships. Our school linking projects help make that happen.'

A 70-day relay, involving 8,000 torchbearers covering 8,000 miles, will then bring the flame to east London's Olympic Stadium and the opening of the Games on July 27.



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