Saturday, December 15, 2012

Important Types Of Hepatitis - Ayushveda

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HepatitisHepatitis is a clinical condition of liver inflammation mostly caused by viral infection. It can also be led by other certain reasons like contamination through food, drinks and intake of toxins and sometimes autoimmune diseases are the grounds.

There are mainly five types of Hepatitis with different stages such as acute and chronic, which are normally being treated worldwide. Here are the most common types of hepatitis and the roots behind it.

Different Types Of Hepatitis And Variations Among All

Hepatitis A or HAV Infection

Hepatitis A is the most common type which is caused by the virus HAV. The colossal reason of the occurrence is contamination by having infected food and water. The very kind of hepatitis causes liver inflammation and swelling but condition is normally acute and it does not get worse most of the time.

HAV infection is ranked among the STD (sexually transmitted disease). A sexual contact with infected person can lead to contamination. Solid waste of HAV infected person causes more contagious conditions. It is suggested to be attentive towards cleanliness. Protection from infectious condition can avoid the chances. The condition is totally curable through immune system and hardly needs medication.

Hepatitis B or HBV Infection

Hepatitis B is an infection occurred through HBV virus. Unlike Hepatitis A, the infection leads to a chronic condition of liver if it is untreated for a long time. The persistent infection may cause liver cancer. The HBV is mostly spread through the blood and other body fluids. Unprotected intercourse with infected person can transfer the virus so fast.

Hepatitis B

The other frequent actions for contaminations are; sharing contaminated needles for drugs, contaminated blood transfusion, through the infected mother to the baby in the womb, using unsterile equipment for tattooing. The infection does not spread by cough and touch of infected person. Hepatitis B is totally curable when it is treated in time and the patient gets immunity through the infection for life-long.

Hepatitis C or HCV Infection

Hepatitis C is also a reason of inflammation in the liver. It occurs through the hepatitis c virus or HCV. Similar to Hepatitis B, the main reason of passing on the virus is contaminated blood and other body fluid like saliva, semen and even the breast feeding of infectious mother to the baby. It is rare but still a threat to get the infection by unprotected sex with HCV infected person.

Hepatitis C

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Like Hepatitis B, the most common sources of infection are contaminated needles, non-sterilisedz tattooing needles, piercing with contaminated needle, and acupuncture with used needles. There is no contagious condition found through food, water, coughing, touching and hugging.

Hepatitis C is mostly turned into chronic condition thus it is taken as the worst infection among other hepatitis. Unlike Hepatitis A and B, the HCV infection has no cure and untreated or ill-treated condition leads to liver failure, cirrhosis and cancer in the liver. The infection is so persistent and person with chronic infection bears a life-long risk of transmission.

Also Read

Symptoms Of Hepatitis B During Pregnancy
Best Herbalremedies For Chronic Hepatitis
Hepatitis C Symptoms

Hepatitis D or HDV Infection ?

Hepatitis D is a liver related infection through the virus HDV. The most uncommon condition of the infection lies within the body of the individual. A person infected with Hepatitis B earlier gets HDV infection to the chronic level and causes transmission of the virus till life.

Hepatitis D is sourced through Hepatitis B and HDV is totally dependent over HBV to get multiplied inside the body. The chronic infection causes liver cancer and scarring of the liver. The infection mainly passes on through contact with contaminated blood, unprotected sex with infectious person, non-sterilised needle and body fluids. Individuals with no HBV history get recovered within 2 months.

Hepatitis E or HEV Infection

Hepatitis E is a liver infection caused by the virus HEV. Hepatitis E is mostly spread through contaminated water. The other reason of the transmission is faecal-oral contact. The other grounds for passing on the virus are eating in contaminated dishes like plates and glasses, having food through dirty hands, other oral contacts with contagious things.

The infection causes swelling in the liver but it does not lead to any further damage. There is no life taking risk from HEV infection but it is necessary to keep the cleanliness in mind for a healthy liver.

Hepatitis along with different viral infection causes the inflammatory cells inside the liver. The chronic condition of hepatitis may cause failure of such vital part with life-long pain. These viral infections need a lot of attention and medical supervision. A clean and safe lifestyle can easily decrease half of the risk.

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