Wednesday, December 19, 2012

'Stand your ground' invoked over pizza shooting

By NBC News staff

A Florida man invoked the state?s controversial ?stand your ground? law after he shot another customer at a pizza parlor who complained that his pie wasn?t coming out fast enough, the Tampa Bay Times reported. ?

Around 4 p.m. at a Little Caesars pizzeria in St. Petersburg, Fla., Randall White, 49, expressed dissatisfaction with the service. He had ordered a thin-crust vegetable pizza.

"Twenty minutes later, I'm like, 'Where's my pizza?'" White told the Tampa Bay Times.

Also waiting in line was Michael Jock, 52, who chided White for complaining. ?

The two then started tussling, police told the Tampa Bay Times. When White raised a fist, Jock, who has a concealed-weapons permit, responded by pulling out a .38 Taurus Ultralight Special Revolver.

As they wrestled, Jock fired a round and shot White in his middle. He fired again, hitting White in the same area, police told the Tampa Bay Times.

The two men then went outside and waited for police to arrive. Jock immediately told officers that he felt the shooting was justified under the ?stand your ground law,? police told the Tampa Bay Times.

Police arrested Jock; he was later released on $20,000 bail.?

Jock, of St. Petersburg, has had legal troubles in the past. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail in 2001 after pleading guilty to three misdemeanor charges, according to court records: criminal mischief, disorderly intoxication and loitering or prowling.

Florida's ?stand your ground? was nationally debated following the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. Martin was shot by George Zimmerman, who said he was defending himself under the law.

NBC's Isolde Raftery contributed reporting.

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