Monday, July 16, 2012

XXX Rated 50 Shades of Grey. Now this is What My Course is really ...

Now, you probably think I am joking? But, I am not! This is a perfect example of what I teach in my course!

Women Love Erotic Communication.

Learn the hidden language of Love and turn your lady on!

Now this is exactly what my course is all about! Women absolutely love erotic, XXX rated, pornographic (Key word here) female communication. Now that my friends is the trick! I can already see a bunch of men go, ?OMG, women do like dirty talk and then go out there and talk dirty in the male ?Direct? language only to find her all pissed off and steamed at him. And he sits there like a lost, confused and hurt dog with that look on his face that just says, ?What?? ?I thought that?s what you wanted!?? hahahaha?

Guys, all I can tell you, is there is a very specific, Hidden Female Language that absolutely turns women on sexually and makes her go crazy!

Men Love Pictures! Women Love Words!

And guess what, this is what women have been screaming about and complaining about for centuries and centuries. But, what do you do? You go out and buy her gifts and flowers and dinner and pay for things, expecting her to all of a sudden get horny and make love to you! Ugh!!!!

Women literally have been speaking and communicating in this hidden coded language your entire life. And don?t understand why you don?t get it! Many women think you are stupid because they can see that you want sex, but don?t understand why you won?t do this 1 thing that turns them on sexually. Instead, they see you spend a ton of money and buy her gifts, flowers and things, but don?t understand why you keep doing this and then expect sex. That?s why a lot of women will say they are tired or have a headache after a date and then go home; or give you a hand shake, or if you are lucky, a kiss on the cheek and tell you your a a nice guy!

See, what she doesn?t know is that you don?t know! When I teach this to women in my courses, they are absolutely shocked and flabbergasted! I have to show them that the female brain was wired in the opposite way than the male brain is wired for Romance, Love and Communication! Thus men do the male form of Seduction and romance, which turns men on! And of course women start to chuckle and laugh!

Come learn how to ?Crack the Female Code.?

Look, men are turned on sexually through their eyes, ?Visually!? Women are highly, powerfully seduced and turned on by a hidden form of communication and body language that literally triggers her mating system and makes her very, very horny, ready for XXX rated sex with you!

I know, I know, you are thinking, but, that?s not how I am turned on! ?I know!!!? ?YOU are a guy, a male!? The male mating system is hard wired to your logical left brain to your optic nerve and into your eyes! Thus, you are sexually turned on visually.

Her mating system hates sexual Videos, ie. Visual videos you can see with your eyes. GET IT? Now look at the damn caption again! Women are too classy to ?WATCH porn! (VISUALLY) It?s absolutely right! Women freaking hate Pornography as in Porno Movies! Because her brain was not wired that way.

Her mating system is hard wired to her right brains Emotional Communication processor! Get it? So in other words, women are turned on by their ears through this hidden language I keep talking about! Now go back and read the bottom of the picture! BUT THEY WILL READ THE FUCK OUT OF IT! (Guys, that is auditory, language, communication in her ears through words! Women dig right brain words big time!!! It?s the language mother nature hid from your brain! I?m not kidding!

Now, this is not proper English. Helllllll no!!!! That will piss her off. So if you have your masters in communication, just throw that in the trash! She is not talking about logical, left brained communication. She is talking about the Internal, right brains language that gives her mental stimulation and emotional fulfillment.

It is literally a different language!

If you truly want to learn how a woman falls in love and is Powerfully turned on, give us a call right now and set up an appointment:

415 456 8558


Dating and Relationship and Male to Female Communication Expert!

About Mike Kollin
Dating & Relationship Coaching Expert 15 years Experience 41 Certifications: NLP Trainer, Master Hypnotherapist & Time Line Therapist, Male to Female Communication Expert and much much more! Call now - 415 456 8558 (Free 30 minute phone consultation) Also, Professional trainer and coach of executive business men and women, elite athletes in boxing, kickboxing and MMA (mixed martial arts.) Dating Tips for men, Professional coaching & Dating Advice for men. San Rafael, California, in the San Francisco, Bay area California originally from Napa, Ca..


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