Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Orthorexia: An Eating Disorder Under The Guise of Health ...

Orthorexia: An Eating Disorder Under The Guise of Health

Medterms.com defines Orthorexia Nervosa as, "A term designating a disorder in which there is an unhealthy obsession with healthy eating, an extreme dedication to extreme diets that can starve the body of basic?nutrition. The emphasis (or overemphasis) is on the quality, not the quantity, of?food?in the diet."

Undoubtedly, America is in a state of crisis. We're in the thick of a national obesity epidemic.

Since many members of our society find it difficult to regulate or purify their diets, we tend to admire those with consistently healthy eating habits. Thus, Orthorexia may be easier to conceal than eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating disorder. In fact, we may praise or look up to Orthorexics -- idolize their?all-natural/whole foods/organic diets. ? ??

Orthorexia is a caricature of dietary health -- the right principles, taken way too far.

Although those who suffer from Orthorexia may not binge-eat, purge, or restrict their caloric intake to the point of starvation, Orthorexia is a dangerous disorder in its right. The compulsive quality underlying Orthorexia matches the compulsive quality underlying all other eating disorders.

Where does one draw the line between Orthorexia and a healthy occupation with maintaining clean eating??

I underwent treatment for EDNOS (Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified) -- a combination of bingeing, restricting, and exercise-purging -- three years ago. From what I've observed and experienced... when flexibility, compromise, balance, and moderation fly out the window,?there's cause for alarm.?

Please note: Orthorexia may be an outcropping of another eating disorder -- a substitute disorder masquerading as health-consciousness.

Those struggling with Orthorexia may spend an excessive amount of time planning or preparing healthy meals and snacks.

Although Orthorexics may or may not be underweight, many suffer from nutritional deficiencies.?

Ultimately, a need for strict control exists at the root of every eating disorder; Orthorexia is certainly no exception. ?

If you're comfortable speaking up -- have you ever suffered from Orthorexia? Where do you draw the line between Orthorexia and a healthy occupation with clean eating? ?

image source

Source: http://www.healthkicker.com/767462800/orthorexia-an-eating-disorder-under-the-guise-of-health/

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