Thursday, January 17, 2013

Obama Administration Official: ?I?m Slightly Annoyed By The Lack of Women Around [The President]?

President Barack Obama?s coalition on the left has been vocal about their frustration with the president?s choices for the closest advisors of his second term. A story in Wednesday?s The Hill details the ways in which Obama has frustrated his liberal base with Cabinet picks like Jack Lew and Chuck Hagel, but it appears he has even angered members of his own administration. One anonymous administration official told The Hill ?I?m slightly annoyed? by the president and his predominantly male team of advisors.

RELATED: Chuck Todd: Obama Administration Brought Diversity Critique On Themselves

?I work in this administration, and I have to admit that I?m slightly annoyed by the lack of women around him in those key meetings,? the administration official told The Hill. ?I mean, c?mon, out of all those people, there?s one woman in the room??

?You mean to tell me there?s not one woman who [was] qualified enough to be secretary of State, secretary of Defense or even White House chief of staff?? The official continued.

Aside from the monochromatic and mostly male makeup of Obama?s Cabinet, former GOP Sen. Chuck Hagel ? who will likely be confirmed as the next Secretary of Defense ?roiled members of the gay and lesbian community with insensitive remarks made about gays in the 1990s.

h/t The Weekly Standard

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