Saturday, November 17, 2012

Why you aren't moving up the ladder - Business Management Daily

You?ve been a loyal, hardworking employee for years and haven?t seen a promotion. You may have one or more of these common professional problems, writes Alison Green at U.S. News & World Report ?On Careers? blog.

???Inappropriate dress. If you don?t look like a boss, you?re unlikely to become one.

???Poor time management. Man?agers have to manage their time and that of their direct reports, so they have to be good at it.

???Terrible at tough talks. Man?agers must make difficult decisions and have difficult discussions. If you?re not tough enough, or too combative, you won?t be promoted any time soon.

???Cliquish or gossipy. A leader has to be objective and respectful of ?others.

???Unable to manage up. If you don?t communicate well with your boss or meet her expectations, then you won?t be able to cut it at the next level.

???Invisible accomplishments. No one wants to be seen as overly boast??ful, but if you?ve done a fantastic job and your boss doesn?t know it, then you?ll probably be overlooked for a promotion.

? Adapted from ?10 Reasons You?re Not the Boss,? by Alison Green, U.S. News & World Report, ?On Careers? blog.

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