Thursday, November 29, 2012

Winter Weather ? Possible Homeowners and Umbrella Insurance ...

5. desember - December 5It isn?t December yet, but Connecticut has already had its first tastes of winter snow.

Thankfully, it has melted fairly quickly, but that trend won?t last much longer.

We are likely to see more, heavier snow this winter, which means plenty of shoveling, snow blowing and de-icing. ?The Keating Agency wants to know, ?Are you ready??

Be Shovel Ready

When the white stuff falls, it?s time to grab the shovel.? Remember to dress warmly but before you head outdoors, the video from Eight West News offers up suggestions for proper shoveling techniques.? As the doctor in the video says, make certain to pace yourself and use proper form.

Watch Your Step!

Colder temperatures inevitably mean icy walkways.? This story from KSPR television in Missouri states that falls are the number one cause of injuries among children and adults at the local trauma center.

If someone is injured by a fall on your property, you could be liable for medical costs and more.? Having an Umbrella Policy in addition to your Homeowner Insurance can cover your legal expenses if you are sued.

In addition to clearing and salting walkways and driveways, some steps you can take to protect yourself from winter falls are:

?Assume that all wet, dark areas on pavements are slippery.

?Wear shoes or boots with non-slip rubber or neoprene with grooved soles for the best traction.

Use your vehicle for support when getting in and out of it.

Keep your hands out of your pockets so you can balance yourself, and catch yourself if you fall.

At the Keating Agency, we hope you will be safe this winter.? As your local independent insurance agent for 40+ years, we are here to answer your questions and help you choose the right insurance to protect all of the things that are important to you.

Call (860) 521-1420 Today ? Be Protected This Winter

You can also share your thoughts and questions with Mike and the Keating Agency on Facebook and Twitter


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