Saturday, July 13, 2013

Family loses everything in house fire |

MARTENSVILLE, Sask. ? A young family has lost everything after fire destroyed their Martensville home.

It started in the garage and spread to the house about 10.30 Tuesday night.

Stacey Arcand is a remote control enthusiast and had just returned home from the track and put his batteries on charge in the garage, as he always did.

Minutes later, one caught fire.

Stacey?s partner Nicole Masich was asleep inside with their 16 month old son.

?We heard a big boom, like an explosion pretty much and we weren?t sure what it was, I thought it was a tornado,? she said.

?I ran back and grabbed the fire extinguisher kind of stuck my head in the garage door but at that point it was too hot, too far gone, I sprayed the extinguisher till empty and then by that point the smoke was getting so thick I just thought get out,? said Arcand.

Nicole scooped up her son and called for help, the trio escaped with minutes to spare.

?I was just scared, just scared that?s all I could think of,? said Masich.

They returned their charred home on Thursday to sort through the mangled mess.

?It?s devastating, we?ve lost everything,? said Masich.

?It kind of chokes a guy up knowing that everything I?ve ever had and all my hobby stuff, my hobby was my life,? said Arcand.

Even though the flames were contained to the garage and the front of the house the entire home will have to be gutted because of smoke damage.

The home is insured and the couple hopes to rebuild, in the meantime they?ll be staying with family in Saskatoon.

?It doesn?t feel very good having nothing but the main thing is we?re still alive and we?re still well, that?s the only thing that really matters,? said Arcand.

? Shaw Media, 2013


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